
Delegate Comments and Photo Gallery


‘Alan Stewart’s keynote lecture was superb – light of touch, and wide-ranging, with a great eye for detail’



‘Engaging schools in Marlowe seems like a great idea, showing students there’s more to the early modern than just Shakespeare’

‘Most of the panel sessions were very rewarding. My favourite was the Bruno-panel, not only for drawing my attention to some surprisingly hard evidence for his relevance to Marlowe studies, but also for contextualising that evidence in larger contexts (development of international law, “Machiavellianism, etc.)’

‘It was a most stimulating conference and I met many wonderful people’




‘Apart from the presentations, I have appreciated in particular the lively exchange of ideas also between and after the panels, which has drawn my attention to a number of aspects of Marlowe’s “international context” which I want to pursue further’

‘The conference was an engaging one with a great variety of papers which extended my knowledge of an Elizabethan man who continues to inspire us all’


‘It was interesting, special, cozy’


‘It must be additionally difficult to put together an international conference, but from the delegates’ point of view it is advantageous to have so many different perspectives, and to have people coming to familiar works from other traditions. For example, the in-depth knowledge of Giordano Bruno’s writing illuminated so many dark areas in Faustus, and the Dutch are familiar with Erasmus in a way we cannot be’



‘you managed to bring together and create a great international
event for us all. Auguri! I certainly learned a lot and met many «new» colleagues with stimulating and exciting ideas’

‘the panel on religious conflict was my favourite’


‘There was no standard moment in the conference – a very high standard maintained across two days’


‘Session 7 was illuminating in bringing out contexts I knew very little (or nothing) about; these papers gave a fitting end to a conference focused on the “international” in Marlowe’

‘conferences such as this seem a particularly well-suited medium to bring into dialogue different approaches to an international Christopher Marlowe. After all, such approaches would otherwise – by virtue of their subject – not necessarily be brought together very often’


