
The project ran drama workshops in July and November 2015, in a number of secondary schools in the South West and also for drama and PGCE students at the University of Exeter.

The workshops allowed participants to explore the political aspects of Marlowe’s theatre, following through on the project’s chief objectives. They were initially co-devised with Kerry Frampton of Splendid Productions, a theatre company specialising in political drama, and then Jimmy Whiteaker, a Bristol-based theatre-maker. Kerry and Jimmy ran the workshops.

Click on the links below to find out more about the different workshops and how they went.

Workshop 1: Royal Power

Workshop 2: For a Common Good

Workshop 3: Making Evil in Britain

Workshop 4: Political Community

Participating Institutions

School 1
School 2
School X
School 3
School 4
School X
School 5
School 6
School X
 Kerry Frampton
Jimmy Photo
 Jimmy Whiteaker